Saturday, March 17, 2012


Outdoor play time is in full swing finally!! Goodness how we have missed the days when you do not have to bundle up and you can just step outside in comfy play clothes and bare feet.... yes, it IS nice!! Oh goodness, how time is flying though!! EEEP!! :) This little girlie is blossoming from a toddler to a full on little girl SO quickly. I am relishing the last of the "baby" moments; her speech grows leaps by the day now instead of monthly and weekly! I can tell by the way she TRIES to talk that she has SO much to say, and the minute everything "clicks" she might not stop for days on end lol She seems to have so much to share!

Those eyes of her slay me.... she is really expressive and angelic. She loves to pick flowers and is constantly telling me, "here, Mama, for you!" and handing me everything from the teeniest flower to weeds! lol Ahhh I do love it!!

B is more than I could ever have asked or prayed for. She is every bit of the perfect, healthy child I always prayed for; with as much emotion and growing humanity as can be bottled into an innocent little being. Her love for the most obvious of strangers astounds and inspires me. I pray I am able to teach her the fine lines, how to differentiate between innocence and naivety in accordance with common sense and  self preservation. All I know to do is pray about it, and try and teach her the right way daily and trust that one day it will sink in and stick. My girlie deserves awesomeness and love through out her life, even in this crazy-mixed-up world.

Monday, March 5, 2012

{Ramblings with meaning....}

I have so much I want to share.... I will highlight things for now, and I will have to share a better post later. The day got away from me, and I am a bit off with everything today.

I just need to say that this little face inspires me to want to leave a legacy more than I ever thought possible. I have been in a TON of turmoil lately about about where to take my photography, as a business and art, whether to stop for a bit or keep going; at the end of the day I get my answer ... I cannot just stop. So, that being said, I now need to get a much better game plan in order. What to charge, when to be available, etc.(??).

I had a really long chat with a friend today, a fellow photographer and business woman. Our conversation was preceded by a blog post that she did, and she made me think about so much.

Honestly, there is one thing standing in my way at the moment of really getting into full swing. A GOOD COMPUTER/MONITOR for editing. SO, now what to do and how to make the cash for said necessity?? Well, that is the current and largest issue for me. I realize that to be as efficient as possible I need a iMac. On the low end I am looking at $600-700. That might not sound terribly high, but it is for us right now.

SO, with that said, I want to say that photography is my art, my passion, my legacy ... there is no looking back, no stopping, no holding off; there is only pushing forward.

More soon................... :))