Sunday, May 27, 2012

{SUNDAY SNAPSHOTS :: Sunday @ Gramma's House}

Ni Hao Yall

SO most of our Sunday's are spent about 40 minutes from home at my in-laws. B rarely naps until we are in the car driving back home, so she might sleep all of 25 to 30 mins. Today was no exception, nor did she make any for sleeping and she chose a 15 min nap instead of a little longer.... maybe b/c she caught a whiff of some chicken nuggets we chose to grab on the way home to share and tide us over (LOL) ... she doesn't get them very often, but she would if she could - they are her favorite food. ;) ANYWAY, about an hour before leaving I decided to take her out to play outside once the sun went down a bit.... she shows exhaustion in her eyes like her daddy and I both do... note the dark circles. ;) My in-laws have a kitty .... not-so-creatively named "Kitty" and B loves to try and pet her, but Kit is not so enthusiastic about this tiny person trying to mess with her. B wanted to badly to give her water ;) There was no one image I could choose to post today ... since she was tired I just had to stand around and play for myself with the camera ;) (continued -->)

Kitty is hard to photo.... thank the Lord for an 85mm so I can stay out of her face ;)

I love odd angles and perspective.... it is not obvious to anyone but me, but she was trying to go after Kitty to give her the water pan ;)

After a while B gave up and proceeded to play with the pie pan on her own; bug and flower petals and all :)

This was a crazy hot Sunday, and my poor hubs wore himself to the bone in the heat with his dad, trying to repair their well. I am glad the day is over, and the wee one is trying to go to sleep .... she is beyond exhaustion, so it is not coming easily to her tonight. Tomorrow is sure to be as busy and hot :) But as long as we are together it is wonderful!

Thanks for reading and viewing!! HAPPY AND SAFE MEMORIAL DAY TO ALL :)

~Mama K (Heather)


  1. The last one is by far my favorite! Seems so simple and catches my eye for some reason. Great images!
    nancy-of the crazy 9

  2. Love the last one, too!
    We had a bit of a tiring weekend too... hope you all caught up on your rest :)

  3. Thanks ladies!! :)

    Our weekend extended to Monday night, and man oh man, are we exhausted lol :)

    Thanks for checking this week's post!! I need to sit down and see what everyone else posted - I love getting to do that, and comment to them :D God bless you all this week ladies <3
