Thursday, May 10, 2012


Socializing, learning to communicate and share and care... those are such important things for our development as a person. We are not in the position to do pre-school or day care even part time right now, so any chance we can have to coordinate a play date is the best way to get that "friend time" in for our girly. She knows no stranger, loves everyone so much, and she already says she wants to GO TO SCHOOL O_o .... she is not quiet 3, so I know that she doesn't totally get what that entails, but she DOES understand that you learn and play and see other kids in school.  And that is a great thing to me that she understands that much at her age now.

I have been so blessed in this life to have some great friends. Some have come and gone and come and gone; others have come, played their role in a chapter or two and I doubt we ever meet again once they've left. But God puts people in our lives to teach us things, I believe, and as hard as it can be to grow up it is the great memories I hold tight to and cherish for always. I am so grateful to have a handful of people from childhood and teen yrs still in my present life, and hope we always will be in touch. If you are someone who has been a part of my life, and we never meet again, I want to say thank you for the memories <3 (:

Until Next Time....

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